Monday, October 20, 2008

5 months later ...

I feel happy, smiling ... things are getting better ... after another crazy week of ups and down and more than anything downs, I finish my week with the smile on my face ... feeling that we are team and we are fighting for the same dream! I know for sure is not going to be easy but I am also sure we are going to make it happen ;)

I miss in the same time my country ... autumn, cold weather ... Cluj, Bucharest, Iasi .... my friends, my MC, my girls, my mother and brother ... is a strange feeling of fulfillment with butterflies in my stomach when thinking about people, last year and IC in Brazil! I feel these persons and these experiences help me so much right now to keep on going, to have faith, to still have energy to smile, to take care of me!!!

Thank you for everything ... I miss you!!!

2 comentarii:

Brahms said...

I'm Happy things are turning to a way that makes u always wanna smile:)

U know, smiling is contagious, keep on doin that and the whole world will smile back at ya:)


Lucki said...

Te pup, surioara mea. Cei de acasa sunt cu inima si gandul langa tine!

Mai tii minte photo shooting-ul de la ultimul nostru TRIX? Cred ca l-am facut cu capul pe Seba ;) Ne trimiti si noua pozele, te rugam, ca sa radem si noi?...

Cand ai chef de o vorba mai lunga anunta-ne si mai organizam skype calls!

Cu mult drag,
Luckitzelul tau

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