When you go to sleep having Pato, Raga, Javi, Jenni wishing you Happy Birthday :)offering you presents ...
When you woke up in the morning with the voice of your mother wishing you to "be happy wherever you are and will be around the world" and transmitting you in a phone call all the emotions ever possible ...
When you get to the office and see an incredible present received from Mexico, one of the most beautiful ones in your life ....
When you start crying reading your email full with messages, wishes, smiles, hugs of your friends all around the world from Iasi, Cluj, Bucharest to Southern Cone, Serbia, Colombia, Puerto Rico ...
When you receive a huge cake from 2 of your trainees ...
When you receive phone calls from far far away ... when you call people close to your heart ... when skype, gmail talk, facebook keeps you close to them
When you receive a lovely movie from Denmark, a photo from your dear girls, a song from Iasi, a history ...
When your MC is organizing you the best dinner ever, cooking for 4 hours :)
When you end your day in a Karaoke Club together with the people you just met 7 months ago ...
What do you say when you are simply amazed of how many people you have by your side even though you are far away, how many people still remember you, how many people though of offering you the best day of your year ... just to bring you a smile, a tear of happiness, a wish :)
Sometimes I am thinking if we really deserve all these great things that happen to us, these people by your side ... and more than that if we truly appreciate it all the time???
Saying simply thank you is not enough ... sending emails, messages still not enough ... but YES thinking about them, keeping them in your heart for ever, being there for them, following their advices "never change", "enjoy this year" :)
Simple Love!!! <3
Words are not enough ...
2 comentarii:
Ti-am scris un La Multi Ani amenintator pe grupul de EB, dar inca n-a ajuns. Oare mai exista grupul? :)
Sa fii sanatoasa, fericita si sa ajungi acolo unde ti-ai propus.
Te pup,
Multumesc din suflet Stefan!
O imbratisare mare de departe,
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