I always loved this team building game ...The "Johari Window" :D
Talking about who is ... Malina for Malina. Malina for others....
"A child full of life" still "Too serious and responsible" :P
Malina for others ... are actually more Malinas ... the very serious and involved one; that is smiling but not that much; that is speaking lauder and begins to blush; that is sometimes too involved with her heart and mind! ... the loving one; the child that needs protection and care; the one that loves to be surrounded by people; that loves to play and discover; the religious one, how somebody calls me because of my innocence! ... the one that thinks a lot before taking a decision; the one that is couscous; the one that is trying to make everything equal for everybody! ... the one that doesn't want to hurt nobody; that takes everybody into consideration and is afraid to say at some point, let's do it my way; ... the one that is ready to go to Dominican Republic for a dream and a feeling! ... the child and the mum in the same time!
Malina for Malina is ...
Loving life and people. Shy. Dynamic.Frustrated when people don't care about the things around them. Trying to see life in grey but she actually a lot of times sees it in black and white. Strong and looking for support in the same time. Flexible. Believing in freedom. Looking for the sun. Trying to get the best out of people. Too modest. Passionate. Forgiving. Challenging constantly herself. Enjoying sports and nature. Loving music. Happy, living for a dream!
I changed a lot during the years and I still am changing in this ... second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year in Dominican Republic but my importantly I learnt during these period ... to care and never be frightened about my mistakes ... to love even though at some point you might be hurt ... not to compare myself with other people ... that I am a rich person!
1 comentarii:
ma mir cat de detaliate sunt experientele din viata ta, cat de amanuntit le descri...imi dua seama ca esti o persoana tare pasionata de ceea ce faci insa ca ai nevoie si de un "intaritor". ca oricare din noi de altfel..si, cum zice nenea. The race is long, but in the end it's only with yourself...MAli, imi place sa iti citesc articolele, sunt realiste, dezvaluie o frumoasa parte din tine, umana, calda, modesta si iubitoare...ma bucur ca MCP-iatul nu te-a luat de cap:)) KEEP up the good work dear...pupi
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