Friday, January 18, 2008

Dream and challenge

It is so interesting how after three months of crazy things happening around you ... mainly happy, fulfilling and dynamic moments ... decisions you take for your future and the passion you invest in building your dream, your strategy and the next year ... you pass trough a crucial moment when you see the reality ... PURE REALITY ... people that believe in you ... few people ... but people that know you both professionally and personally ... people that don't believe in you for no particular reasons, that are more opened to negative than positive feelings, ideas, motivation ... situations ... stupid and childish, mafia in the real sense of the word ... reactions ... so different ... uncertain future ...

And what I've learned from all this is how powerful can be one person, how different are the people and the reasons for their actions, how your GOAL is to run as fast as you can, fall if you have to, stand up and start the run again ... how is to have trust in yourself, in your integrity and to accept the reality and move on ...

Definitely I can not say is easy ... I passed through the same experience before but it was not that powerful ... I think it hurts that much because are 5 years from your life ... are your dreams for the organization you trust in ... is the vision you most believe in for the next year, are the people you admire that disappoint you ... it's LIFE!!!

For sure this is an experience you need to have in order to be prepared for life ... the life after this dream we are all living, AIESEC ...

I learned once more this lesson, and now I am prepared to start my journey again ... I am prepared to dream and challenge myself again ... by applying as MCP in Dominican Republic .... far from Romania, my family and friends, my reality, my language but definitely heading for a more challenging and diverse experience ... an experience that will change me even more ....

My endless purpose will be to dream and challenge ....

3 comentarii:

The Lion said...

Eu am invatat ca nu trebuie sa dovedesti nimanui nimic, oamenii care sunt cu adevarat prietenii tai, nu o sa te judece niciodata, vor fi langa tine si le va fi suficient ca tu sa fi tu si nimic mai mult ... cei care au stat atat timp langa tine si nu te -au cunoscut cu adevarat nu-tzi sunt cu adevarat prieteni.

Multa bafta draga mea :).

romeo said...

ce tare.... in Republica Dominicana? acolo vrei sa mergi Mali?
daca da,

Hugs Romeo

romeo said...

Bravo mali pentru pozitia de MC in Republica Dominicana...

Va bien!

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