Saturday, January 17, 2009


I started the year with my heart beating so hard I thought is going to get out of my chest ... the biggest adventure of my life ... the biggest limit I ever had, was over passed ... my fear of heights :) I jumped in waterfalls!!! In the middle of the jungle, blue crystal water, rocks ... I jumped in waterfalls ... more or less 27 of them!!! The words in my head at that point ... and what if I die? The answer I received ... you are going to die smiling :)

That was the point when I realize 2009 is my year of taking risks and breaking all my fears ... of taking the most challenging experiences of my life, close my eyes and JUMP! This is my year of saying YES and making changes in my life ... changes that will get me far out of my traditional and safe way of thinking and acting ... changes that will smile back at me in the future!

But still why now and how come?

Well as everything has an explanation and a starting point ... my starting point was this experience I am passing though and a special person to me ... a person with whom I shared good and bad, crazy and normal, soft and hard, loud and quiet, love and hate ... a person that challenged me the most and that made me think more about myself that I have ever did until now. Is so strange how one person can change you in so many ways even if you don't realize it in the beginning, even though you want to be strong and think ... "I am always right and my life philosophy is the best".

I am thinking now with a smile of my face ... of all those fights we had about the way we see life, influencing people, love, future, dreams, empathy ... of each challenge he was bringing up front ... of his stupid laugh in the middle of the night ... of our philosophical lunches and dinners ... of all the things we learned ... of team days and us being sincere with each other ... of us four sharing the incredible moments together ... of us crying like crazy when he left ... of us looking at his table and wondering what is he doing right now ...

Is strange to loose a friend after 6 months of intense experience but is a great feeling knowing that he is happy right now, following his dreams :)

For sure he left a mark deep inside our hearts ... 3 passionate hearts that right now are beating even more powerful thinking about their dreams ... Pato with her passion for music, desire to learn English and live for some time in Europe ... Javi with his passion for learning and gathering information, motivation to think more about himself and his happiness ... and me, Mali, with breaking my limits, smile and look for happiness in each second!

Can be big or small ... it doesn't matter ... what matters is that we are better now, we are better going to great due to these 6 months spent together! :D

Friends do really come and go but for sure you, our dear Raga, are the precious one we are always going to hold on :)

1 comentarii:

William Ramos said...

Malina!! Wow!! que interesante... acabo de escribirte al facebook, pq escribi tu nombre en google y me aparecio tu cuenta facebook, luego de escribir el mensaje aparecio tu blog como por arte de magia!! Que intensos escritos, muy buenos!!te felicito !! me ha encantado la forma en la cual has proyectado ese salto desde los 27 charcos de Damajagua :p que buena manera de ver la vida, cuantos cambios positivos no?!?! veo que si haz viajado por mi isla!! que bueno!! te invito a mi blog, ojala cuando tengas tiempo puedas pasarte y leerte un poquito, es sobre un viaje que hize por Europa el verano 07 y me cojio con escribir mis experiencias, empeze con un voluntariado de ninos enfermos, con homeless y hay una parte en que cuento mi experiencia por el camino de Santiago de Compostela, que es una peregrinacion en Espana MUY interesante, seguido despues de un viaje en auto stop que hize por Europa central y parte de Eu Este, bueno, ojala puedas darte la vuelta... William.
PS: mi blog,

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